VHEI • Vaccines • Mental Health • Dental Health • Social Determinants • All
VHEI works to address and eliminate disparities in healthcare for marginalized communities through targeted outreach, education programs, and direct medical services. Our efforts focus on addressing the root causes of health disparities, empowering BIPOC Vermonters to take charge of their health.
Why Are BIPOC Communities Less Likely To Receive Oral Care And Treatment?
African American males have a relatively high rate of oral cancers, are typically diagnosed at later stages of the disease than other racial groups, and have a significantly lower 5-year survival rate. To learn more about the importance of dental health, check out Grin! Magazine from our partner Northeast Delta Dental.
Mental Health Stigma in BIPOC Communities
BIPOC communities are more likely to be negatively impacted by mental health stigma. Click to learn why.
Vermont College’s BIPOC Affinity Spaces & Cultural Clubs
We compiled a directory featuring cultural clubs and affinity groups at Vermont colleges! This is a great resource to pass on to a current or incoming BIPOC individuals who are looking to connect with culturally aligned students.
Racial Disparities In Monkeypox Vaccines
The CDC is working towards equitably balancing resources for outbreak response in non-endemic countries with control in endemic countries (e.g., access and distribution of vaccines and therapeutics).